Monday, April 25, 2011

Dickler, Hughes, Frye, Miller, Dix, Rosengarden, and Glassman

No, not the name of a law firm, these are my elementary school teachers from K-6. You can prefix a "Mrs." to all those names, too, as there were no men teaching in the elementary schools back in the 60's. It took me less than a minute to remember all their names. I just had to think back to moments in those classrooms at Fallstaff Elementary (PS 241) in Baltimore, MD.

I won't bore you with those memories - mostly all good :) - but I do suggest that you take a few minutes to remember your elementary school days. I was amazed how many memories I could conjure up, and the longer I spent in the activity, the richer the experience became. It was as if I had pried open an old trunk in an attic, and I was slowly examining its contents.

I tried this with Pimlico Junior High, and was surprised at how little there was to mine. I remembered just a few teachers, and a few moments. Apropos to that, though the school building is still there, it is now a training facility for the BPD.

High school - Baltimore Polytechnic Institute - was a lot better in terms of the number of memories, but they didn't have those warm sepia tones that came with those elementary school memories.

So is my experience a universal one? Do we all keep a bigger store of those first school memories? Is it because those days are filled with a single teacher for an entire year, as opposed to a teacher per subject per semester in junior/middle and high school? Are your elementary memories wrapped in velvet and lit with candles, too?

Blue and gold are our colors
And Fallstaff is our name.
We rate above all others
And will always sing your praise.

We have the finest teachers,
As fine as fine can be.
(There's more, but that's all I remember....)