Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Dejas Wear Prada?

I was watching The Devil Wears Prada on the tube a few nights ago. (I'm not proud of this, but now that I have an HD set, I pretty much only watch HD channels and nothing much was on and the movie is pretty easy on the eyes...but I digress). So I'm sort of watching the movie while surfing or doing a crossword or something, and I hear what I am sure is Callie Lipton singing. Callie went to high school with my ridiculous eldest daughter, Leslie. They were both charter members of the "naughty nineteen", and Leslie loved going to her house because it was full of guitars and drums, and because her parents were more, er, ah, permissive than Eileen and I were. I'm listening and I'm thinking, "Gee, I think Leslie would have told me that Callie had a song on The Devil Wears Prada soundtrack."

So I back up the movie a minute or two and listen real hard, and it still sounds like Callie, so I launch iTunes and check out the movie soundtrack and discover, alas, it's not Callie or her band The Dejas, but Sleep, by Azure Ray. You can check that song by selecting Sleep from their MySpace page - Azure Ray . But, please, then check out The Dejas at their site - The Dejas. I love their music - no artifice - they sing and play from the heart.

Now I think Sleep is a heckuva song - I even sprung the $.99 to get a copy - but I think The Dejas also create some great great music. So if anyone out there is making a movie and needs some original music with a nice drive and some haunting vocals...

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